EduTechSmart Launches Its First Gamified Healthcare Education Course Package

Umeå, Sweden, June 13 th 2024 — All personnel in healthcare are recommended to update
their essential knowledge annually. Therefore, EduTechSmart Global AB
(“EduTechSmart”) is now launching its first interactive course package consisting of
three important basic courses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), relocation and
hygiene. The courses have speech and text support for over 30 different languages and
are specially designed for assistance, home care, nursing homes and LSS homes where
the need is huge and growing.

For caregivers, it will now be easy to plan and implement training efforts containing several
different courses at the same time, and for the staff, they are easily accessible on all platforms
at any time of the day. EduTechSmart’s new format that includes AI and gamification makes
education both more efficient and more fun than before.

“We are extremely proud and happy about this milestone to be able to offer a package of
important courses in healthcare” says Delia Zadius, CEO at EduTechSmart. She continues: “This will make it much easier for healthcare providers to train their staff. Together we can prevent injuries and save lives. But we are not satisfied here. More courses are in the works to be added to our e-learning portal.”

The need for education in the healthcare sector is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and
here EduTechSmart is taking the lead towards becoming a global player. The courses are
developed in close collaboration with verifying experts and subscribing customers.

EduTechSmart aims to first expand in the Swedish market before aiming at international

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